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Shanghai International Trade Fair amazing socks bloom Plus guests to the party

Update:04 Aug 2016

Seventh Shanghai International CHPE socks rendezvous in March 2012 5-7 for the first time at the Shanghai World Expo Exhibition. 11,067 visitors were reached, creating an unprecedented visit records.

Seventh Shanghai International CHPE socks rendezvous in March 2012 5-7 for the first time at the Shanghai World Expo Exhibition. 11,067 visitors were reached, creating an unprecedented visit records. 

Event attracted participants from 26 countries visitors: in 2011, compared to the number of exhibition concept, a 23% increase; while visitors were from overseas reached 2751; CHPE way to promote the show is very professional, strict, efficient use of data resource management system for professional buyers to provide on-line pre-registration, professional buyers to improve the efficiency of the exhibition, the exhibition by the exhibition's official website www.chpe.com.cn CHPE pre-registered visitors reached 2189, compared with the previous exhibition increased by 50%, on the understanding of the exhibition industry, trade companies, the company's branded channels do show a greater increase in the number of Outlook.

This session of the exhibition was first held international buyers will be paired to provide face to face to discuss the purchase of overseas buyers and CHPE quality suppliers. The pair will participate in overseas buyers from 12 domestic companies and 20 suppliers to negotiate successfully paired.

Shanghai World Expo Exhibition put into use as a new exhibition hall, built in terms of the organizers and venues is a great challenge. We also collected exhibition of some of the issues affecting our exhibitors, however, the pavilion side of our show very seriously, we will make every effort to help solve the various problems that may be encountered in the next, ensuring the next exhibition more smoothly perfect. The next exhibition will be held in Shanghai World Expo Exhibition 4-6 March 2013, let us look forward CHPE2013!

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